Ethics & AI: The Importance of Context
There are three requirements for making ethical choices: a background, a context, and an observer. What if we can’t tell whether our context is being created by human beings or by AI?
Ethics & AI: The Basics
Does AI have ethics? Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is still a dream. But generative AI (GenAI) influences and impacts our business choices and practices today.
Action in Language
Leaders use the tool of language to mobilize people to action. Can GenAI, with all its conversational capabilities, help?
Talking to Stones
Communicating a possibility you see is often an uphill battle. Not because you can’t explain yourself well, but because of the universally dangerous condition Jim calls “cognitive blindness”.
In my Lifetime
None of us really knows where the world is headed. So how do you, as a leader, talk about the future?
Where Did Sentience Begin?
The debate about whether artificial intelligence can—or will—become sentient continues. Meanwhile, here’s how to achieve some degree of serenity by taking charge of how you relate to AI.
Doomsday: A Dead End?
AI has hacked our reality. This alien intelligence is evolving at a remarkable pace. What can leaders do to avoid succumbing to doomsday scenarios?