for Coaches
Where to begin coaching leaders?
Leading people in the face of uncertainty requires new skills, starting with unlearning leadership.
What do confidence, commitment and curiosity have in common?
They are how a bold leader relates to change.
What is often missing when coaching for action?
Leaders don’t have much control over anything. But they always have a choice in how they relate to everything.
If leaders weren’t limited by what they think limits them, what would they commit to accomplishing?
Commitments declare who they are, generate new choices and drive change.
How do possibilities become "real"?
Leaders must learn how to relate powerfully to their circumstances and unleash the human spirit in their organizations.
What conversations do coaches initiate?
To fulfill their commitments, coaches, like leaders, must build trust, generate respect, empower people, and create openings for collaboration.
How do we coach leaders to navigate an ocean of moods?
Moods are the context in which we observe the world. Leaders can interrupt the automaticity of their own listening to recognize moods, identify the stories that trigger them, and use moods to orient people to a possible future.